Our licensed/licensed-eligible therapists use a variety of treatment styles and evidenced based practices to help individuals find solutions to their problems by eliminating or managing the behaviors, thoughts and feelings.
Individual, Family and Group Therapy
Therapists work with individuals to help them cope with challenges in their lives, learn self-confidence and social skills, manage anger, emotions, and develop other positive life skills. Family therapists work with family members to improve communication and create a better functioning home environment.
Group therapy helps people work through problems by interacting with a therapist and a group of individuals with similar struggles. Group members can share personal experiences, feelings, and issues and receive feedback and support from the rest of the group.
Infant Toddler Services
Specially trained and certified therapists work with parents of young children ages birth to five. Parents whose children with behavioral problems learn the skills to help improve the behaviors. Infant Massage provides unique opportunities to promote a baby’s general growth and development.
School Therapeutic Services
Therapy and counseling services for children who are having difficulties in the school setting are provided at various school campuses for elementary, middle and high school students.
Parenting Classes
Parents and caregivers of children ages 0-16 that are exhibiting behavior problems learn how to improve their relationships with their child, how to encourage desirable behaviors, how to teach new skills and manage misbehaviors.
If you or someone you know needs assistance:
Medication Support
Our highly qualified child and adolescent psychiatrists work collaboratively with youth, caregivers and the treatment team to perform individualized assessments and treatment plans to prescribe and monitor medication if needed.
Psychological Testing
Our staff psychologists and our psychology students provide psychological testing to individuals to support their mental health treatment. Psychological testing can assist individuals, and the members of their treatment team, with obtaining information to help clarify their diagnosis, identify the individual’s strengths and weaknesses, and to provide treatment recommendations to help the individual meet their treatment goals.
Intensive In-Home Services
In-Home services offer intensive, individualized and family therapy to children, youth, and their families. Services are provided in the home or at community locations best-suited to the client and the family’s needs. Our staff supports and empowers families by identifying their strengths and needs, and by teaching problem solving skills.
Services are aimed at preventing further incidents of behavioral, emotional or social disturbance that may lead to out-of-home placement. We implement evidence-based practices with the family as a means to improve the child or youth’s behavior and provide structure and routine to the home environment.